Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What is presentation & preparation for your presentation
Akihiko Shimura
Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, Keio University
October 7 2002

a good presentation is a kind of communication between the speaker and the audience.

In order to communicate with your audience, communicate with 3 kinds of messages:

  • Physical message
  • Story message
  • Visual message

1.   Physical Message
·         Message your body sends to your audience.
·         4 Kinds of Physical Messages:
o   Posture
§  It is about how you stand
o   Eye Contact
§  A presentation is a kind of communication
§  Eye contact in any communication in English
§  Eye contact to receive message from audience
·         some points to remember about eye contact:
o   Look at your audience for 3 seconds before you begin. You can smile here too
o   Look at people in all directions
o   Have eye contacts with your audience throughout the speech
o   Use the notes as little as possible
o   Gestures
§  Use big but natural gestures
§  Use a variety of gestures
§  Use gestures throughout your speech
o   Voice
§  Speak clearly (Lauder than usual (about 150%)
§  Adjust your speed to your audience

2.   Story Messages
·         Messages you communicate with your words, sentences, and paragraphs.
·         A good presentation has three points
1)            Introduction & Greeting
·         Attract audience’s attention because audience decides whether they will listen to your speech or not in the first 10-20 seconds
·         Be Creative
·         Overview
·         Tell us the organization of your presentation by using a bullet chart
2)            Body: remember 2 points
·         Use evidence for your points
·         Evidence = numbers and examples
·         Use graph, picture, table, etc
·         Use the transitional phrases:
o   First, second, lastly, etc
o   I have just talked about the first point. Now, let me move on the second point
3)            Conclusion: do 2 things
·         Summarize your presentation with a bullet chart
·         Thank the audience

3.   Visual Message
      Message you communicate with visual aids:
Posters, Handouts, Power point slides, Video, CD, Cassette Tapes, Things, Etc
·         Remember 3 points about Visual Message:
§  Make Good Visual (easy to understand)
§  Use them well
§  No Plagiarism (Menjiplak) , please


·         A presentation is a kind of communication
·         Communicate 3 kinds of messages
o   Physical message
§  Posture, eye contact, gestures, and voice
o   Story message
§  Introduction (Greeting and Overview)
§  Body (with Evidence)
§  Conclusion (Summary and Thanking)
o   Visual Message
·         Make good visuals and use them well
·         No Plagiarism, please

·         Dale, P. And Wolf, J. C. (1998). Speech communication made simple: a multicultural perspective. White plains, NY: Longman.
Harrington, D. and LeBeau, C. (1996). Speaking of speech: basic presentation skills for beginners. Tokyo, Japan: MacMilan Language House

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